Message from the President
Spring is in the air, and with the change of seasons we certainly have many interesting things to talk about from the world of miniature books.
Some of our "MBS Ambassadors" attended the Akron, Ohio Book Fair recently to help extend our outreach to bibliophiles and maybe some possibly new bibliophiles. You can read all of the details in the post titled "MBS In Akron."
While mentioning the web, the MBS has recently installed our new website, part of which you are visiting now! We hope that you will visit each of the features and provide your feedback about the site. What do you like (maybe the photo ribbons)? What would you like to see (maybe a listing of miniature book reference books) or have questions about how you can contribute something for the site? These are all great questions for both a current member and a visitor who is looking for information about the MBS or miniature books. Use the "search" function if you cannot find what you need, or please feel free to send me an email message or by telephone, (908) 803-5647. I can connect you with more than 300 MBS members who are always ready to solve questions and talk about the world of miniature books.
The MBS Newsletter was just mailed last week; members should be receiving their copy in the next day or so, if you have not already received it. Included with the mailing was the Conclave Registration Form as well as the many program details. The Conclave will be held in Charlottesville, Virginia, this August 10-13, 2018.
Our most important duty as members of the MBS is to grow our organization through the expansion of our membership roster, especially with young bibliophiles. There are several ways that we can grow our fine organization. Some involve coordinated outreach activities such as our Student Grant and our Book Competition projects. Equally important is the work that each member can initiate to promote the genre of miniature books. Local libraries and schools are great places to facilitate an exhibit or lecture about miniature books. Bookshops are another great place to meet people who are interested in books and would probably be very interested to learn about miniature books. We certainly have a broad group of members who can help you with ideas and perhaps guide you along to "make it happen." Please take a few minutes to think about these possibilities, as they are the seeds that grow membership and most importantly, fellowship.
Let us know what is happening in your part of the world of miniature books. Thank you!