Miniature Book Competition

Each year the Miniature Book Society hosts an international book competition for miniature books. The purpose is to encourage the high-production of miniature books. A distinguished panel of judges reviews the entries based on three areas: Creativity, Quality of Materials, and Skilled Craftsmanship. Three books are chosen for the highest award: The Distinguished Book Award. You need not be a member of the Miniature Book Society to enter (but we invite you to join anyway!). There is a discount submission fee for members.

Qualifying Books
Your book must meet the MBS definition of a miniature book: No dimension may be greater than three inches (76.2 mm). However, if the book includes any kind of container, that container may exceed three inches. There is a new category this year for microminiature books (dollhouse size books of approximately 1” or less), which will also be eligible for a Distinguished Book Award. So there will be a total of 4 awards with a prize of $100 for each winner. Your entry must be a published edition of at least three (3) copies in the last two years). If your book is not a published edition, but only a single copy, we consider this an “artist’s book” book. For the first time, we are allowing the artist’s books to be included in the competition and will be eligible for a Distinguished Book Award. As usual, it will be included in the MBS Competition & Exhibition Catalog. (See below for distribution details). Please no repeat submissions.

How many entries may I submit?
You may submit up to three (3) books for the current year’s competition.

What is the entry fee?
For MBS members: $35 per entry For non-members: $55 per entry

To pay via PayPal, send payment to: If paying by Paypal, please add $3 to cover processing fees.

What rights do I give if I enter the competition?
You give the MBS one-time rights to photograph your book for our Competition Catalog. A printed copy of this catalog is provided to every MBS member, to everyone who enters the competition, and to each member of the jury. The catalog will also be posted on the MBS website. Photographs, along with your name and winning book details, may also appear on the MBS website, the MBS Facebook page, the MBS Newsletters and other marketing materials. To see past catalogs go here.

Will I get my book back?
You will no longer be required to donate your book to the Miniature Book Society if your book wins the Distinguished Award. On the entry form, there is a check box where you can choose whether you want to have your entry returned to you or if you wish to donate it to the archives at the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington. All entries may be displayed at our annual MBS conclave.

Submission process
Those wishing to submit their books send one (1) copy of each book they wish to enter to the Competition committee. Each entry must be accompanied by an entry form and the appropriate entry fee. When sending your book please ensure you package your book properly to reduce chance of damage. The committee will circulate all entries to the Competition jury, which will select four entries (one of which will be a microminiature) for the Distinguished Book Awards. The Competition committee will photograph the exterior and interior of each entry in color and prepare a catalog showing all the entries and identifying the Distinguished Book Award Winners. For past catalogs, go here.

Send your entries to:

Rick Hill
MBS Competition Chair
9290 Tower Side Drive #401
Fairfax, VA 22031 USA

A note on security
The MBS will exercise due diligence in handling all entries during the necessary process of shipping entries to and from the jury, taking photographs, and mounting the books for display. However the MBS cannot be held responsible for damage to, or loss of, any entry.

2024 MBS Distinguished Book Competition Winners

Author: Alvey Jones

Author: Patrice & Chris Miller

Author: Tony Firman

Previous Winners


Author: Emile Goozairow

Author: Sue Leopard

Author: Gabrielle Fox


Author: Mitsuo Toyazaki; Publisher: Miyako Akai

Author: Alvey Jones; Publisher: Open Sky Press

Author: Natalie Belting; Publisher: Carol Schwartzott


Author: Miyako Akai; Translator: Larry Seidman; Publisher: Kototsubo, Isaka, Kuki, Japan

Author: Caroline Y. Brandt; Binder (leather): Tony Firman; Binder (cloth): Deborah Evetts; Publisher: Cyclone Books, Richmond, Virginia, USA

Author: Joseph von Eichendorff; Illustrator: Erika Patocka; Translator: Anonymous; Publisher: Offizin am Wolfersberg; Entrant: Herbert Hupfel, Vienna, Austria


Author: Herbert Hupfel; Illustrator: Hasan Akten; Publisher: Offizin am Wolfersberg, Vienna, Austria

Author, Illustrator, Publisher: Mathi Page, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

Author, Illustrator, Publisher, Camille Riner, Custer, South Dakota, USA


Author and Illustrator: Mathi Page; Publisher: Masako Ishiguro, Japan

Author and Illustrator: Edward Gory; Publisher: Patrice Miller, Aredian Press, Texas, USA

Author and Illustrator: Mathi Page; Publisher: Masako Ishiguro, Japan