Ruth Elizabeth Adomeit, Three Centuries of Thumb Bibles, A Checklist. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1980
Ruth Elizabeth Adomeit, The Miniature Book Collector. Published quarterly from Vol. I Nos. 1-4 (June 1960 to March 1961) to Vol. II Nos. 1-4 (June 1961 to March 1962). Worcester MA: Achille J. St. Onge. With Index, Volumes I & II, The Miniature Book Collector compiled by Robert E. Massmann. Woodstock VT: The Lilliputter Press, 1963
Louis W. Bondy, Miniature Books, Their History from the Beginnings to the Present Day. London: Sheppard Press, 1981
Robert C. Bradbury, Antique United States Miniature Books 1690-1900. No. Clarendon VT: The Microbibliophile, 2001
Robert C. Bradbury, Twentieth Century United States Miniature Books. No. Clarendon VT: The Microbibliophile, 2000
Anne C. Bromer & Julian I. Edison, Miniature Books, 4,000 Years of Tiny Treasures. New York: Abrams in association with The Grolier Club, 2007
Julian I. Edison, Miniature Book News, St. Louis, MO, 1965-current (issues 1-138), currently incorporated since issue 109 in the Miniature Book Society Newsletter
James D. Henderson, The News-Letters of the LXIVMOS, Complete 21 Issues, November, 1927 – November, 1929. Woodstock VT: The Lilliputter Press, 1968. Forward & Index by Robert E. Massmann
Percy Edwin Spielmann, Catalog of the Library of Miniature Books. London: Edward Arnold, 1961. (Written by Louis W. Bondy)
Doris Varner Welsh, compiler, A Bibliography of Miniature Books (1470-1965). Cobbleskill NY: Kathryn I. Rickard, 1989
Doris V. Welsh, The History of Miniature Books. Albany NY: Fort Orange Press, 1987
The Collection of Miniature Books formed by Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. London: Christie’s, 1979